Monday, July 25, 2011

Linux kernel 3 Offical Released ..!

Getting Xen "into" the Linux kernel has been a long-running saga. But good things come to all those who wait — and work hard to coordinate with kernel maintainers. That's the long way of saying that Linux 3.0 now has Xen dom0 support. Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk notes that there's still work to be done in a few areas but "the majority of needs will be satisfied by the 3.0 kernel."

What does dom0 support mean? Basically it means that Linux will be usable as a host kernel for Xen. Now, that's been the case for years and years — but it required patching the kernel, rather than having stock support in the kernel. With 3.0 and dom0 support fully integrated, that means that the days of having to run a patched kernel or vendors having to add (and maintain) patches for Xen are drawing to a close.

The Xen wiki has a longer and more detailed discussion of dom0 for folks who really want to dig in.

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Police investigating second suspect in shooting spree

Man arrested in vicinity of Norway PM with knife

Norwegian police arrested a young man carrying a knife Saturday at a hotel where Prime Minister Stoltenberg was visiting survivors of a shooting rampage that left 85 dead, broadcaster NRK said.

The suspect said he was a member of the Labour party's youth wing and that he had a knife in his pocket "because he did not feel safe," an NRK reporter said. The shooting's victims were all killed by a gunman while attending a summer camp run by the Labour party's youth wing on an island near Oslo.

Stoltenberg was inside a building when the young man was arrested outside the hotel, an AFP reporter witnessed. The young man was taken to a police car which left the scene. According to another NRK reporter, the young man, wearing shorts, did not appear threatening and "was smiling when he was put in the police car." Police could not be reached for an immediate comment on the incident.

Friday, January 14, 2011


# rpm -ivh Post/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh

Now, Install all other plug ins..

# yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly xine-lib-extras-nonfree gstreamer-ffmpeg

After successful installation, open Amarok or any other multimedia player and try to play the mp3 file and see if all goes fine and you are able to hear the music.

To install xmms and make it MP3-capable, start by doing this:

# yum install xmms xmms-mp3

MPEG, QuickTime, AVI, and DVDs
MPEG (the format used on DVDs) represents itself as an open standard, but most Linux distributions won't ship software that read it because of blocking patents held by MPEGLA. AVI and Apple QuickTime have proprietary codecs covered by patents, so most Linux distributions won't ship software that decodes them, either.

Unfortunately, the alternate front end xine is even more broken. It can be installed this way:

# yum install xine xine-lib libdvdcss

Doing this will also install a number of support libraries, including the libdvdcss plugin

VLC Player:
# rpm -ivh
# yum -y install vlc

Touch pad is Not working Fedoro 14 XFCe! How to override?


My Box is lenovo sl510 .. When i install fedora XFCe 14 , I notice touch pad is not

working .. Search internet got good tips from

so i share my experience in my blog ..

file is ====> su -c ' vi /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf'

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad catchall"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
#add new line --
Option "TapButton1" "1"

# Quirks for special touchpads

# Some devices have the buttons as part of the lower edge of the
# touchpad. Pressing a button moves the cursor, causing cursor jumps and
# erroneous clicks.
# Use the synaptics area property to work around this, udev labels these
# devices for us as touchpad_button_overlap.
# Affected: Dell Mini
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad button overlap"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchTag "touchpad_button_overlap"
Option "AreaBottomEdge" "4000"

Thanking You ...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Installion Ubuntu 9.10 on Lenovo SL510

How to install Ubuntu 9.10 on Lenovo Sl510?

Lenovo SL510 is widescreen [-15.4-] laptop ..,on installion time, Resolution is 1366*768,Intel Graphic Card,Installion time Screen goes Blank ,
Steps are Below

1. Insert Ubuntu cd on cdrive

2. After cd loaded , u can find live cd , Install etc .. Press f6 get option

3. Pass entry splash ro quiet", enter i915.modeset=0 Live CD or Install ...
Nb(press f4 enable '''save graphic'''')

4. So u will be on install setup..

5. Install Ubuntu in ur box

6 .Put entry i915.modeset=0 on ur grub loader file ..

7. File is /boot/grub/grub.cfg

8 Set root passwd .. command is $ sudo root passwd

9. Than change permission to rw .. command $ chmod u+rw

10. Edit using gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Enjoy Ubuntu on ur Box ...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Coming soon

It has been long while in my blogger page

Friday, February 15, 2008

Linux compatibility layer in the FreeBSD kernel

Very easy to set up: install linux_dist-gentoo-stage3, download the tarball into a directory below /usr/local/gentoo-stage3/, mkdir dev and sys in the gentoo-stage3 directory, mount devfs, linprocfs and linsysfs and then do a "chroot /usr/local/gentoo-stage3 bash". To prepare the LTP extract the tarball, cd into the directory, type "make && make install" and then you can run the first tests with "./runltp -v -p -l mylogfilename 2>&1 | tee verboselog.txt".

If you don't have at least revision 1.187 of /sys/compat/linux/linux/misc.c you need to comment out "reboot02" in runtest/syscalls or your system will reboot. "send01" (and some test immediatly after that test) will cause a kernel panic if you don't have at least revision 1.282 of uipc_socket.c (mutex so_snd held when returning to userland).

There are some tests which hang around and do not finish if you use a -current prior to ~20061222, you need to kill those tests there.

Keep an eye on /usr/local/gentoo-stage3/tmp between tests and clean it up. You should also run "ipcs" and remove some leftover (compare before and after each run).

A little funny note: we are even more compatible than a real linux distribution (don't take this literally). LTP 20061222 does not even compile on Ubuntu 6.10. The error message is ../../ 60: arith: syntax error: "cnt--" and the line in question is while [ $((cnt--)) -gt 0 ] ; do. If you do a loop unrolling by hand it fails later when you try to run the LTP tests even before it tries the first test. We did not try to proceed further, we want to fix problems on FreeBSD, not on Linux.

Linux compatibility layer in the FreeBSD kernel

Very easy to set up: install linux_dist-gentoo-stage3, download the tarball into a directory below /usr/local/gentoo-stage3/, mkdir dev and sys in the gentoo-stage3 directory, mount devfs, linprocfs and linsysfs and then do a "chroot /usr/local/gentoo-stage3 bash". To prepare the LTP extract the tarball, cd into the directory, type "make && make install" and then you can run the first tests with "./runltp -v -p -l mylogfilename 2>&1 | tee verboselog.txt".

If you don't have at least revision 1.187 of /sys/compat/linux/linux/misc.c you need to comment out "reboot02" in runtest/syscalls or your system will reboot. "send01" (and some test immediatly after that test) will cause a kernel panic if you don't have at least revision 1.282 of uipc_socket.c (mutex so_snd held when returning to userland).

There are some tests which hang around and do not finish if you use a -current prior to ~20061222, you need to kill those tests there.

Keep an eye on /usr/local/gentoo-stage3/tmp between tests and clean it up. You should also run "ipcs" and remove some leftover (compare before and after each run).

A little funny note: we are even more compatible than a real linux distribution (don't take this literally). LTP 20061222 does not even compile on Ubuntu 6.10. The error message is ../../ 60: arith: syntax error: "cnt--" and the line in question is while [ $((cnt--)) -gt 0 ] ; do. If you do a loop unrolling by hand it fails later when you try to run the LTP tests even before it tries the first test. We did not try to proceed further, we want to fix problems on FreeBSD, not on Linux.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


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